Thursday, February 11, 2010


Quote of the Day: Everyone has a talent.  What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads. - Erica Jong (b. 1942) American Writer

 (This is the first page and check from my first ever published article.  Fall 2005 in Her Voice.)

I found my voice through Her Voice, a local publication, "by women...for women...about women."

Meg Douglas is the editor.  She is the kind of editor that all you writers dream of having.  She's nurturing, encouraging, honest, and friendly.  She was the first person to call me an "author."  I save my published articles in a binder.  I also have a copy of the first check I recieved as a real-live published author.  It was a moment where I stepped into my true self and answered my calling as a writer.  I discovered that I had something to "say" and that people were interested in my words.  Thank you, Meg, for publishing my words in your amazing magazine!

Her Voice
is out again this week, published just four times a year, and my story is on a mother-son relationship that is building voices in an amazing choir and spreading hope and love throughout the world.  Their group is called From Age to Age.  Read about their relationship as executive director (the mom) and artist director (the son), their beautiful music, and their mission to improve the world.  It was an honor to write their story.

Journaling Prompt:  What is your talent, hidden or revealed, and how deep do you dare to go with it?  What is holding you back?

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