Sunday, February 26, 2012

Life imitating Art imitating Life

Quote of the Day:  Oscar Wilde is noted as saying, Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life...the self-conscious aim of Life is to find expression, and that Art offers it certain beautiful forms through which it may realise that energy. source: Wikipedia.  I would argue that one influences the other, and that when one creates Art from Life, the response is a mirror to mirror image, ones that endlessly reflect the other.  Let me illustrate.

On Saturday, late in the afternoon, several of the cast members gathered at Coco Moon to rehearse. We ended up singing through the songs, just as the characters in Coffee Shop Confessions do. We sang. We discussed. We fussed about parts, who's singing what. We added in real life chatter. We got worked up, and we enjoyed ourselves to the fullest. We created a scene during business hours at the shop, and one of the workers came over and said, "You guys sound great."  Joey just happened to have her camera along, so she took a few photos.

A tense moment. Who's in charge? What are we doing?

Laura needs a piano. David comes through with a one-octave app on his Kindle Fire.

Note the mirror in the background.

Guy needed to write three drafts of his bio.
Joey told one crazy story after the other and told me to write it.
Isn't it great how we're all different!

I came home and thought, what happened at our rehearsal could be another scene in the play...or is it already there?

At the end of the week, this Friday and Saturday, we will perform to a packed coffee house! Holy smokes! Look what happens when you hear voices, see visions, and dream dreams. They really do come true...with a little help from your friends.

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt:  How have Life and Art been mirroring each other in your world?

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