Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wanted: Real Men

Quote of the Day:  I am who I am today because of Her Voice.  Not just the magazine, but the daily call and connection to her voice...my wife, Erin.  She, and most women for that matter, understand relationships. Hans Anderson, co-author with me on the article in Her Voice, titled "Real Men Read Her Voice"

Hans Anderson at the Brainerd Ice Fishing Extravaganza

Hans and I met at the Y during the Group Power weight-lifting fitness class.  Whenever the magazine came out, Hans would lean over, talk out of the corner of his mouth and say, "Hey, I read your article in Her Voice."  He confessed that he read the whole thing every time it came out.  Then, he started confessing that he likes to write, too.  Finally, I asked him if he'd like to write an article with me.  He said, "Yes," and you can read all about it here.  Click below the picture of the cover where it says, Open Publication. Click on the words to enlarge them. Our story is on pages 14 & 15.  You can find a couple more pictures of me on the table on contents and editorial.  Joey, the photographer, had me laughing during the photo shoot.  It's actually pretty funny that I'm even holding an ice fishing pole!  This is a great publication with local flair, and also global appeal.  I hope you enjoy the articles!

When men first started confessing to me that they read Her Voice, I was surprised.  When they complimented my writing, I was flattered.  When they asked about my writing, I felt honored and respected.  Thanks to all the Real Men who connect with women and aren't afraid to talk about it.

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt:  When have you been surprised by a reaction to your writing, art, or accomplishments?

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