Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Joey playing Lolly

Today, I'd like to introduce, or reintroduce you, to Joey Halvorson who is playing Lolly. She's been on this blog before.

Joey taking photos for the Walk to End Alzheimer's

Quote of the Day:  You've got Moxie...snazz and pizzaz. You have what Hollywood calls "it" to really be something. Lolly's line from Coffee Shop Confessions.

I met Joey at a coffee shop (how appropriate). I was showing a recent issue of Her Voice to a friend. I had a poem, of sorts, in there about winter. Meg, the editor, asked Joey to provide a photo. It was a perfect match. As I was pointing that out to my friend, a woman walked over and said something about the magazine. I said, "Well, I have a story in here." I showed it to her. She said, "That's my photo. I'm Joey Halvorson." And, the rest is history. We've been matching photos to words ever since.

For my article on Georgia Greeley, I brought Joey out to her cabin by the river. It is literally over the river and through the woods, a tricky, little hide-away. Georgia is a writer, an artist, and a poet. Joey snapped many fabulous photos, and when we were inside, she picked up Georgia's poetry book and read the introductory poem.


This river, named after a crow's wing,
makes me feel light.
Just sitting on the dock above,
or watching it move past the window from inside my cabin,
without even one finger tracing a tiny wake upon its surface,
these waters wash through me,
soak and ease the anxious cord around my heart,
repattern each thrum-hum pulse to match the current's
elemental rhythms and flow;
somehow this river stretches my heart,
until it can hold
all it is given to hold.

And, that's when I heard the character Lolly's voice. On our drive back out of the woods, I told Joey about my play. She showed interest. I told her I'd like to have it performed at the Coco Moon. She said something about "like we used to do." I don't know if she remembers that comment, but it made me wonder if she'd done acting. She hasn't, but she said YES to the table reading last February. She said YES to playing Lolly. She said YES, "because it's Mary," her words, and I'm so grateful.

Joey with camera, a natural look

Joey with one of her photos at the Q Gallery in Brainerd.
She went on a medical mission trip to Haiti after the earthquake.

Joey titled this one, "Soaking Feet."
It's my favorite from her Haiti collection.

Joey, you're the tops! Thanks for playing Lolly. Thanks for all your creative energy. If I described Joey with one word, it would be Fearless. I wish I was as fearless as Joey Halvorson.

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt:  Who has been on your creative team? How did they enhance your artistic experience?

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