Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wisdom and Delight at the Minnesota History Center

Quote of the Day:  The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind. Khalil Gibran

For the Advent Photo A Day Project, the word for the day on Dec. 8 was wisdom. The Word for Dec. 9 was delight. I'll use both in this post, and I'll still be a day behind, but I'm catching up. Holy and steady/steadfast are for today and tomorrow. I might combine them as well, or skip one. What would a picture of Holy look like? Or, steadfast, for that matter? Well, that's a problem for another day. Today, I give you wisdom and delight at the Minnesota History Center.

Wheel on into the Minnesota History Center with us. 
Learn about bootleggers, speakeasy, prohibition, and women's suffrage.

Take a tour of the MN Historical Society Library and find a book about where you live, family genealogy, or anything related to life and history in Minnesota, and some surrounding states as well.

Krista, that book lover and promoter of words, was so excited to visit this library!

Totally a staged picture. This is how I might look if I were doing research.
Instead, we walked around the place giggling like school girls.
All those words and historical documents make a gal giddy.
(We're such geeks!)

I ran into my friend Maren Hinderlie as we were entering the center.
She invited us to see her presentation at the Prohibition display.
Looks like she's talked Krista into joining the crusade.

Not wanting to be left out, I grabbed a banner and sign.
Votes for women!

Maren, showing us the "interesting" wallpaper on the speakeasy powder room wall.


We also toured the history of a house in St. Paul, exploring the different families who lived there.

You can touch and sit on most of the display. The bed has a big surprise!

View of the State Capital from the History Center

After Krista got out of prison (see above photo), she found a job at the local drugstore, working at the soda fountain. I'll take a cherry coke, please.

You can't keep her off the phone!
At least there is a minute limit on this one!

This post has me pondering the difference between knowledge and wisdom. We gain knowledge by reading, researching, visiting museums and history centers, and going to school. Wisdom, however, comes from experience. When you think of someone who has wisdom on a life, you turn to someone older, or who has gone down the path ahead of you. We have gained some wisdom from those who tried to eliminate alcohol. Consumption was out of control. People, especially families, were suffering because of it. Did it work to make it illegal? No. It created an opportunity for criminals to have power and possession. Did it wake up the nation to the ills of alcoholism? Yes. Consumption dropped after the amendment was repealed, and maybe, some people got wiser about addictions.

It is with great delight that we learned from those who have gone before us and shared their wisdom. After that, we had dinner. Not sure how it might fit with the next words, holy and steadfast, but I'll share our culinary adventure with you soon!

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt: Who do you turn to for their words of wisdom?

1 comment:

  1. I also like to write down what is troubling me, or what I’m enthusiastic about. I write about these feelings on my blog and express them in my music. Stories really do connect us.
