Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tag, You're It!

Quote of the Day: 
Say, Say my playmate

Come out and play with me
and bring your dollies 3
climb up my apple tree
slide down my rain barrel
into my cellar door
and we'll be jolly friends
forever more - more - more !

My boys think this close-up shot of a plant in my yard looks like teeth.  It's summer, and the boys get all day to play.  I find myself doing more laundry.  Maybe we could switch places for a day.  Hey, Lisa, bring your dollies and a couple bottles!

So, there's this game of Tag going on in the blogosphere.  It's cute, and Robyn Campbell at Putting Pen to Paper (love all the P's) tagged me.  I really got to know Robyn during the A-Z blogfest in April, then the next week when she wrote a picture book a day.  Two huge accomplishments. We've been sending each other virtual chocolate ever since.  I'd like to visit her some day and ride her horses.

I'm supposed to answer some funny questions:

Do you think you're hot?
Yes, but only when it's over 90 degrees.  I'm a true Minnesotan. I can't take the heat.  We've had one day over 90, and I spent it inside reading a book.

Upload a picture or wall paper you are using at the moment.
I don't know how to do the wallpaper thing on my computer, but here's another one of my new cat Leo.  (He's all snuggled up to me now, but with his tail tucked under so I can write.)

Do you like his Tony the Tiger bowl?

The Song(s) you listened to recently?
Adelle, just bought two of her CD's, and Bearfoot, a bluegrass band from Alaska.

What were you thinking as you were doing this?
I still have a load of laundry in the dryer that needs folding, but it's more fun sitting here next to Leo and answering weird questions.

Do you have nicknames?
I'll list a few of the names that I've been called:
Frau Rude
and Marmie (which Nancy calls me when she's feeling nice), from Little Women

Tag eight Blogger friends.

2. Roxy
3. JeMA
5. Jade
7. Kim
Plus one more, 9. Laura

Then, the rules have us jumping all around and saying something about each nominee, in random order:

Who's listed as number one?
Doris, the social worker. She's an amazing writer and person.

Say something about number 5.
Jade writes poetry and lives in New York.

How did you get to know number 3?
JeMA and I met when we were helping with a drama program for kids.  It all evolved from there, talking about our art, our lives, our fears, our dreams. Now, she's traveling around the country in an RV. I miss her. The coffee doesn't taste as good without her conversation.

How about number 4?
I saw comments by Karen all over the blogosphere, then finally connected with her during the A-Z blogfest. She's great.

Leave a lovey-dovey message for number 2.
I love how in love Roxy is with words and old poets and opera.

Do numbers 7 & 8 have any similarities?
I believe they met in person at the Dakotas Children's Writer's Conference. They're both very spiritual and care about other people.

That's kind of a putzy one, but hey, it's still better than folding underwear. Wait, I don't actually fold the underwear, nor do I match socks.  Laundry Tip from the mother of four boys: Put all the socks into one laundry basket at the top of the stairs. 

Go. Create. Inspire!

Journaling Prompt:  Use your imagination. What do you see in this picture, besides the obvious?

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