Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day with Four Boys

Quote of the Day:  The best thing about you is you kiss me at night. - from one of my son's Mother Day gifts.

We went to see Iron Man 2.  It was loud and full of car crashes, explosions, and metal on metal.  The boys loved it.  I like Pepper Potts.  She's both strong and beautiful.

Other things I've been up to...I cleaned out the garage and sent some things to the church's garage sale, making room for boys to have some guy space and play cards.

I also cleaned my room, hadn't dusted since Christmas, even organized this closet!

Purging, sorting, organizing, cooking, cleaning, lending my voice to a church service...what else...

Went to a terrific 6th grade band concert.  I LOVE band concerts.  That's my boy and his trumpet.

My twin sons are in separate 4th grade classrooms, but they did the same projects for Mother's Day.  They made a cute clay wall hanging with a little space for a tiny flower and filled out this card (writing prompts in bold, their responses in italics):

Eric's card:
You are special to me because you like to spend time with me.
I love the way you always love me.
I really like when we go to Mount Carmel (family camp).
Thank you for giving birth to me.

Charlie's card:
You are special to me because your really nice.
I love the way you always cook food for me.
I really like it when we have turkey gravy day at school  (I eat school lunch with them that day).
Thank you for giving birth to me.

They wrote out their cards independently.  It was just one of those twin coincidences that they wrote the same response to the last prompt.

I feel loved, and I thank God for my four healthy, happy sons, and for each day they are in my life.

Journaling Prompt:  What did you do on Mother's Day?  Write about your mom.  Write about your kids, if you have kids, or write about mothering other people in your life.

(This is my one and only post this week.  May is full!  I'll be reading your wonderful blogs when I can steal a bit of time.  Write on!  Thanks for visiting my little space in the world.)

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