Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Committee

Quote of the Day:  Go boldly in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined. - Henry David Thoreau

Here are a couple of dreamers.  JeMA paints amazing abstract art.  She is on the path to "make it" as an artist.  There I am sitting next to her, wearing my Scriptfrenzy t-shirt, my fingers have just left the keys on my laptop.  We're sitting at the coffee shop where I write my play, Coffee Shop Confessions, and where we dream together. 

We need each other because sometimes those negative voices in our heads get really loud.  I call them "The Committee."  They are the Devil voices that tell you you're not good enough.  They say things like, "Who are you to make it as an artist."  I hit a low point last fall after attending a writer's conference.  Then, I came home and wrote about the struggle of an artist for our local women's magazine, Her Voice(Click on the link which will take you to my article. It's on two pages, so click next, or pages 28-29.  You can also enlarge the text by clicking on it.  The cover story is on a local group of doctors and friends who went to Haiti.)

This story is for anyone who has ever felt insecurities about who you are and where you can go in pursuit of your creative dreams.

Dream on!

Journaling Prompt: What creative dreams do you have for yourself?  What have you done to make them a reality?

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