Monday, September 16, 2013

Hearty Fall Salad

With the kids all back in school and fall right around the corner, our menu is beginning to change. A few soups and chillies have already crept in on cooler days and I've been thinking more and more about my crockpot.

The other day Lyla and I went out to the garden to harvest what we needed for one of my favorite fall salads.

I came back inside with broccoli, red and green Winterbor kale, and red and green cabbage. Just about any cole crop will work, including thinly sliced Brussels sprouts.

Wash everything up and make sure it's good and dry.

The trick to a good salad with these robust veggies is to cut them up really small.

Set the vegetables aside and start making the walnut-pumpkin seed clusters.

Combine the following in a non-stick pan:
2 cups walnuts
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup water

Stir often over medium heat until the liquid is just absorbed. The nuts should still look sticky, not dry. It's a quick few seconds between perfection and a tad overdone.

Pour out mixture onto greased wax paper, breaking up any large clusters with a spatula.

At this point I remind all my children NOT to touch the nuts. They are crazy hot. I allow them to cool a bit and then remind them AGAIN not to touch the nuts. Seriously, I've made these before around 4 PM and by 5 PM had hardly any left to go with our dinner salad. Buzzard children (head shaking).

Speaking of buzzard children...these Craisins WERE in a bowl, waiting to be the finishing touch for our colorful salad.

I've been lazy lately. No homemade dressing here.

All that's left is tossing it all together.

I served this the other day with grilled tuna on rye, but it goes so well with salmon. Not only do the flavors work well together, but the rich color of a good Alaskan salmon combines with the bold colors of the salad to create an incredible feast for the eyes.

Hmmm...I think I need to buy some salmon for later this week...

Hearty Fall Salad

Cut or tear in small pieces any combination of the following:
Brussels sprouts, thinly sliced

Set aside.

In a non-stick pan, combine the following:
2 cups walnuts
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup water

Stir often over medium heat until the liquid is mostly gone. Pour nut-mixture onto greased wax paper, breaking up any large chunks with a spatula. Allow to cool.

To assemble, toss leaves with walnut-pumpkin seed clusters and Craisins. Dress with poppyseed dressing.

Sliced Asian pears make a yummy addition, too.

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