Friday, September 24, 2010

When Women Play

Quote of the Day: words from a childhood song, remembered and rewritten in my own version.  I saw a couple other versions on bus 

Sing, sing, my playmate,
Come out and play with me,
And, bring your dollies three,
Climb up my apple tree,
Look down my rain barrel,
Slide down my slipery slide,
And, we'll be jolly friends,
forever more, more, more, more, more....
(I did a hand clapping routine here with a friend.  It made my bus rides, to and from school for over an hour, go much faster.  Miss you, Michelle!)

When we were at Mount Carmel for our Women's Retreat, we found time to play.  Here, JeMA and Joy (my little sister) are playing in the leaves.  We also took a walk, played a board game, and fooled around with the art supplies.

Some of us aren't entirely comfortable with a paintbrush.

While the artist finds it relaxing and playful.

Mother and Daughter spent the weekend together talking, creating, listening and playing.  I saw them on the swingset as I was walking into the chapel.  It was probably the only time I didn't have my camera around my neck.  But, I paused anyway, watching them swing, smile and play.  They told me later that it was because we had helped them release their inner child.

Take some time to play this weekend.  What might you create?  Art, music, a memory?

Go, Create, Inspire!
Play on!

Journaling Prompt:  What did you, or will you do, for play this weekend?

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