Thursday, March 18, 2010

Springbreak Stay-cation 2010

Quote of the Day:  a definition - A staycation (also spelled stay-cation, stacation, or staykation) is a neologism for a period of time in which an individual or family stays at home and relaxes at home or takes day trips from their home to area attractions. source Wikipedia

For Springbreak, we're having a Stay-cation. 
To me, that means a week that's unscheduled, for the most part.  We're free to just be.

Sunday:  Went to grocery store to stock up on provisions.

Monday - Tuesday:  All four Rude boys home, plus three extra 16-year-olds overnight, and three neighbor boys in and out. Thank God for the fabulous weather, even though it means lots of dirt on the floor and the constant quest for clean socks.

Wednesday:  Tired mother sleeps in.  Three Rude boys start an endless game of Monopoly City.  Baked brownies for fellowship after evening church service.  Not all brownies made it to church. Ordered in Chinese because the provisions were getting low, as well as mom's energy.

Thursday:  Orthodontic appointments, met by "What?! we have ortho appointments on spring break?!" Bribed, said whiners, with soup and subs, and an afternoon at the waterpark at a local hotel.  Stayed at hotel waterpark for three hours, finished reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie.  Had some tears in my eyes at the good/bad parts, blamed it on the chlorine.  Ate pizza there, then came home to blog.  Provisions still low.

Friday:  Will start the day with a trip to the grocery store.  Plan to go to Alice in Wonderland.

Saturday:  Plan to have coffee in the morning with a girlfriend while Stay-cationers sleep in.

Sunday:  Church, read, and rest. Play outside with friends if they're around.  Finish game of Monopoly, maybe.  Do they ever really end?

Monday:  We'll call this a Rude-awakening.  Up early, which will feel really early with the time change and a week of sleeping in.  School, and back to schedules.

Journaling Prompt: Ever had a stay-cation?  What did you do?  Or, write about your spring break.  I'm sure Mexico and Florida were nice, too.

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