Monday, June 1, 2009

Oopsies in the garden...Part One

I was reading a delightful blog today by Stacy called Dirty Little Secrets and it got me thinking about things that happen in the garden we hope no one else notices, but yet want to share our misery with other fellow gardeners at our mistakes. I know this doesn't make a lot of sense, but sometimes, you just want to know you're not alone in your pain.

As she was talking of weeds, I was thinking of all of the mulch laid down and grateful that it wasn't weeds I was dealing with. However, with the mulch, and the rain...I have holes in a lot of my foliage...

In my Alcea...

My newly planted rose mallow

Also in my echinacea, rudbeckia, asters, and any seedlings that I put out this year. I spent 45 minutes squishing the damn things, and then come back and see another one eating it's carcass. Yum.

I then wanted to share what happens when you grow free plants without asking specifics about height. I wanted a pathway that had daylillies growing up on either side. I started out on one side one year, and then added the other side last year. I now have two different blooming times, two different heights and either side of my sidewalk. Oops.

Notice how these are so high and almost in bloom? Not sure how I'll fix this except to just dig up some from either side and transplant to mix. The colors are almost exactly the same...I guess I should be happy for longer blooming time?

My last oopsy to share would be the lovely urine spots left from my dog this winter in our lawn. I thought...for some unknown reason that if the grass was dormant, the urine couldn't hurt the lawn. I was wrong. The grass is slowly filling in, but a MAJOR oops...and I take full responsiblity for this.

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