Friday, May 15, 2009

It Christmas

I was following my Bluestone order and knew it would be coming in today via Fed Ex. I kept checking outside, hoping to see the Fed Ex driver, but then went to my kids' field day and then was hoping the box would be sitting on my porch when I returned. As I was coming home, I saw the Fed Ex driver leaving my street and I was thinkin, "Hooray!!" Nothing. Nada. I rush in asking if Corrin had heard the doorbell and he said no. I was in a huff wondering why wouldn't they just leave the flowers on my porch?

Well, it was because they didn't stop by my house yet. LOL. They were dropped off about and hour and a half later.

I've never ordered from Bluestone before but had heard good things from a garden forum ( shout out!) and also from my father, so I wanted to try them. I was pretty impressed they were able to stuff 8 plants in such a small box. Some of the plants were pretty bent which I wasn't happy about, but all seemed to be slightly damp and the sizes were bigger than what I was expecting. All in all, I was happy with the purchase.

So what did I do? Went to Picadilly and bought MORE plants. I know, I've got a problem. My friend Lena thinks I need to tell my employer to tell ME I can't get anymore. Like a bartender telling the drunk, "you're done".

I am happy to say that after buying an outstanding 'Claire De Lune' clematis, Aronia melanocarpa 'Autumn Magic' Chokeberry (my mission this year has been to keep the birds happy...and they will with the chokeberry and serviceberry), Indian Summer raspberry, a replacement coreopsis (this will be my third try in this location, but a different type so wish me luck), Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Avalanche' - Variegated Feather Reed Grass (we sell Karl Foerster, and I wanted to be different with the variegation...ha), and the much anticipated St. Mary's broom that I talked in a previous post. Add this to the four types of plants that I got from Bluestone, guess what I did today??? I wanted to get them in the ground so then Brian and I could work on the misters and drip lines so I don't have to hand water my backyard gardens anymore. I think I'm pretty much done buying this year unless something catches my eye that I can't say no to. I bought the clematis thinking I had a cool foot spot, but when looking more closely, the iris that I have planted haven't quite made the shade that I thought they did. I'll hold onto it for awhile, hoping an idea comes to me later. I will be returning 'Love' Rosa. It was supposed to be a red and white rose, but as it bloomed it's this electric pink. No thanks, it just doesn't belong anywhere. It's a pretty rose, but hardly any smell, and without the red, it's not meant to be.

Working tomorrow, hopefully we'll be busy so the 10 1/2 hours go by quickly!!

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